Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mean Girls

I think the baby might be a girl because I'm pretty sure she hates me.

ACL was this past weekend.  Friday night I wore my normal jeans and a tank top and had a blast.  I wasn't too tired and I ate some fantastic nachos from Tony Love's Love Shack.  Saturday morning I went to the closet and grabbed my pre-planned outfit only to discover that the short I planned to wear had a different idea.  Overnight I went from normally-buttoned pants to no-way-no-how shorts.  Of course this caused a major meltdown where I declared I was not leaving the house again.  Poor Rocky.  He came to the rescue and started trying to help pick out something I could wear.  He was smart enough to go for skirts with elastic waistbands, but these still caused a roll in the middle of my belly and set off another round of tears.

"If I looked pregnant that would be one thing, but everyone is just going to think I'm fat!" I wailed into his chest.  I'm pretty sure he was holding back a laugh at my irrational thoughts, but he was very supportive, insisting that I did indeed look pregnant.  Finally, we found a skirt that I could pull up to my bra under a tank and avoid the nasty cut in half look. 

My next clue into the gender of my child came in the form of a craving.  I have not eaten any meat in about 4 or 5 weeks.  It completely grosses me out.  So, as I packed my lunch yesterday morning, I was surprised to find myself reaching for a can of tuna.  Especially sense I wasn't a huge fan of tuna before the pregnancy.  I decided to go with it and did actually enjoy it for lunch... ALL of it.  Just as a precaution, I double checked online about the amount of fish I can have while pregnant.  I discovered I had just consumed my entire week's worth in one sitting.  Did I mention it was a LARGE can of tuna?  I didn't think it was really a big deal until I got home and all I could think about was tuna.  Dinner, I wanted tuna.  All night I thought about my yummy lunch.  I woke up this morning and considered tuna for breakfast.  So, it turns out that the one source of protein that I really really crave just happens to be the one protein that I can only have in moderation.  This baby has a very nasty sense of humor. 

Finally, I have been waiting for today for months.  My sister gave me Journey tickets for the concert tonight.  I have eagerly been waiting and planning, so excited to get to see them.  We were going to drive to San Antonio after work and arrive just in time.  So of course, on Monday I began to feel a little under the weather.  Tuesday was worse and I worried I was getting strep.  Today (concert day) I still feel pretty bad and Rocky doesn't think we should chance it.  We wouldn't get back until really late and he thinks it would aggravate whatever this is.  So it looks like the only journey I will be enjoying today is the one from the car to the couch.  So bummed. 

All I know is this better be one cute baby...

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