Wednesday, September 28, 2011

12 Weeks Visit

Our visit to the doctor revealed that our baby finally looks like an actual baby.  No more blob.  There are arms and legs and even a nose.

During the exam, she (I think it's a girl now) jumped around a few times, but then settled in for a little nap.  She seems very laid back!  As of today, she measures almost 6 cm long and is developing perfectly.  Her heart rate was 161 which is primarily what I am basing her gender on. 

After the sonogram, which it totally the only fun part, I had to give some blood.  I thought it would be easier because it is just a finger prick, but it hurt much worse than the arm needle!  Geez, I felt like she sliced my finger off.  And I didn't even know you could get bruise on the tip of your finger, but I have one!  I have a whole new appreciation and sympathy for my poor brother in law who has to prick daily.  It sucks! 

So now that it's a girl, I've had to change my thinking a bit.  I am by no means disappointed, but I really thought it was a boy.  To get in the girly mood, I started looking at girl bedding and I found some that I think I really like (at least for now).  I don't want anything too baby-ish or pastel so I had to do some searching.  So far, here are the front runners. 

This is my favorite.  I like the bold print and bright colors.  The flowers girly it up without being over the top.  I probably won't do a pink wall or rug, maybe a different accent color. 

I like this one for the same reasons.  Bold prints and bright colors.  I have a friend who can paint canvases similar to the ones in the picture so I could easily recreate this room.  In both room one and two I like the use of lime green.  

The jury is still out on this one.  Bold print, but I kind of feel like it should be in a retirement home rather than a nursery.  Maybe it's too gardeny.  Not sure.  

Feel free to comment and make suggestions!  I'm open to ideas (for now)...

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