Thursday, September 1, 2011

No Shows

I am considering another early pregnancy purchase out of sheer necessity and for the safety of all. 

I was more than a little excited when my boobs grew a size with this pregnancy.  I have had fairly small ones my entire life and so this new development was pretty entertaining.  What I was not prepared for was the constant nipple-hard-on.  Now I have had issues with "perky" nipples before, but have always been able to contain them.  No so much anymore.  At the gym, no sports bra or top can hide them.  I have resorted to masking tape to hold them down, but they still manage to pop out.  I spend more time running to the water fountain so I can try to press them down discretely than I do lifting weights.  And I'm pretty sure I'm not fooling anyone with what I'm doing over there.  This week a guy got on the treadmill beside me and didn't even try to hide his stares...for the entire 30 minutes I was there.  I would like to pretend that he just thought I was hot, but I have never gotten that kind of attention at the gym pre-nipple.  Even my padded bra is no match for these suckers.  I'm worried they are going to become a safety hazard.  I mean, I work with children...what if I put an eye out!

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