Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's Your Sign

Since this little guy is constantly moving, I thought I would check out his astrological sign and see what we are in for once he arrives. I definitely don't live by the zodiac, but I have found that the descriptions of the signs are interesting and usually pretty accurate. If he arrives on time, he will be an Aries.

"Aries are fire signs and those born under this element are regarded in astrology as adventurous, active and outgoing. Aries is a uniquely naive sign. Although they are independent, outgoing and assertive they are also surprisingly trusting, often innocently walking into the lion's den at times. No matter what upheaval, challenge or triumph they confront - an Aries has a wonderful ability to bounce back. Their faith in life and the future remains untouched by hardship. Their gift is that they are always children at heart and the world is always a magical place for them. Many famous sports people are born under this sign. Aries is regarded as the most physical sign and because of its Mar's rulership it is also one of the most highly charged masculine energy signs in astrology. For the Aries male, a woman has to be a real woman to deal with him, because he is looking for many balancing component traits (his true feminine side) in his partner.

Aries people are 'doers' rather than 'talkers'. They are the impulsive, act first, ask questions or have doubts later, sign of the zodiac. That's why their lives are often filled with many dramas and sometimes even accidents! Their ability to live life close to the edge provides them with a wealth of 'real experience' to call upon. When an Aries person talks about something or somewhere they've usually done it or been there, rather than simply read about it in a book. Being active people Aries can't adapt to any kind of restriction, particularly possessive relationships. They often travel to escape any feelings of being stuck or possessed. Aries people love challenges. In fact, if everything is running smoothly, they are quite capable of going out and doing something (sometimes quite foolish) to rock the boat. Aries love to race in where angels fear to tread."

According to the Chinese calendar he will be a Dragon.

"The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart makes the Dragon's brash, fiery energy far more palatable. This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charming charisma that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. Its ego can get in the Dragon's way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for initiating projects and keeping the troops motivated. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way -- because who else could do it so surely and so well? The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile."

So regardless, it sounds like we are in for some trouble with this one. 


  1. Aries is an awesome sign--never met one I didn't like... Taurus is the one you have to watch out for! ;)

    I'm a Leo and they get along great with Aries...so if you need a zodiac compatible babysitter...just sayin'

  2. I will definitely take you up on that!
