Thursday, January 26, 2012


So I put off blogging about this topic for a while hoping it would subside, but that is not the case.  And in the interest of full disclosure as I vowed when I began this blog, it is necessary I now discuss a new topic. 

Apparently, carrying a boy actually turns you into a boy.  I like to think that I have manners and am somewhat refined when it comes to social niceties, but all that has gone out the window.  Specifically in regards to farting.  I have never in my life had so much gas! 

A few days ago I was walking the aisles of Hobby Lobby, minding my own business when one just came out!  I didn't even know it was coming!  And they aren't quiet.  The days of silently letting one go and then walking away are over.  No, they announce their presence loudly, like a fog horn.  I'm pretty sure the lady on the next aisle over heard.  At first I was mortified, but it is becoming so common I almost don't even notice anymore.  I'm like an 80 year old man!    

Last week, I was sleeping soundly and farted so loud in bed that I woke myself, Rocky, and the dog.  I'm surprised it didn't blow the covers off the bed.  And yesterday, sitting at my desk, I let one go that was a good 10 seconds long.  Thank heavens my portable mates weren't there. 

It is so bad that last night I rolled over to get comfy in bed and I backed up to Rocky to get warm.  This is something I do on a regular basis only this time he didn't snuggle.  He sat up and yelled, "Don't point that thing at me!" 

Again I say... this better be one cute baby!!

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