Saturday, March 31, 2012

Strange Things

First off, my ob is stupid and I hate her.  It's a little late in the game to switch doctors so I'm just avoiding her and I have told the baby he has to come on a Thursday because that is her day off.  I would rather have a complete stranger deliver my baby than my ob and that's saying a lot.  I think she has forgotten that she is treating emotional pregnant women, not farm animals or men.  I appreciate her straight talk and no nonsense approach.   That is what made me stick it out with her in the beginning, but at this point I am a little over her bedside manner.  Just for that, I am not going in next week for my appointment.  The baby is doing great and I'm pretty sure I'll survive one week without her sticking her fingers up my vagina while insulting me.  After delivery, I will schedule all my appointments with my original nurse practitioner whom I love and hopefully never see her again.

Anyway, off that rant.  So last night, after an annoying doctor's visit, Rocky took me out to eat at our favorite hole in the wall.  In the spirit of trying to induce labor, I decided I should order something spicy since that is an old wives' tale I haven't tried.  There wasn't anything on the menu so I hesitantly ordered a side of jalapeños with my meal.  They came all diced up which I decided made them easier to pile on each bite.  After a few bites I complained to Rocky that the stupid jalapeños weren't hot at all and the experiment was a bust.  He piled a few on his enchilada to see for himself and had barely chewed when he grabbed for his water, his face turning bright red and his eye tearing up.  "Those are really hot!" he tells me.  "Maybe I just got a few bad pieces," I reason, although I had eaten half the bowl already.  He begins to fork specific pieces onto my plate.  "Try this one," he says as he passes me one full of seeds.  Down it goes.  Nothing.  He tries a similar piece at the same time and downs half his glass of water in seconds.  We go back and forth like this a few times until he finally declares my taste buds jacked up and surrenders.  It was the weirdest thing because I am usually super sensitive to spicy food.  Maybe the baby is sitting on that nerve ending...

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