Sunday, November 20, 2011

Halfway There!

So we are officially halfway at 20 weeks.  The belly is starting to get bigger by the day.  I wake up every morning convinced it has doubled in size while I slept.  One night I gained a whole pound overnight!  My waist is now the same size as my husbands, measuring a whopping 34 inches.  That is 5 inches and 5 pounds in 5 months.  Holy cow!  Maybe Jake will come on April 5th instead of 9th... just in time for The Toddfather's birthday!  Rocky also was able to feel him for the first time this weekend.  That was pretty cool and he was beside himself.  He has been waiting to feel him since we found out we were pregnant.

20 Weeks Belly Shot.. it really popped! 

I also started a blog just for Jake.  Well, actually it's for Jake's grandparents, aunts, and uncle.  I don't want to post all his pictures and happenings on Facebook so this way family and friends who are interested can keep up with the little mover and shaker without Mom looking like a crazy person on Facebook.   

The waiting game is the longest thing ever.  I spend a lot of time on pinterest and etsy helping past the time.  Lately, some pretty funny baby stuff has popped up.  Here are a few of my favorites: 

I also found this ADORABLE outfit that I think I am going to get for Jake to wear to Kimmi's wedding with little black pants.  We were going to leave him at home, but Aisha didn't really want to babysit since he will only be a few weeks old and I don't think we will start the bottle that soon so we are dragging him along.  He has to be dressed for the occasion.  He might want to dance with the bride during the dollar dance so he needs to be ready. 

My latest craft project was a holiday wreath, which turned out to be much bigger than I had originally planned.  It took a while to make, but it was fun and I am mostly happy with the results. 

I also enjoy googling my dreams to see if they have any significant meaning.  I compare the dream interpretation site's ideas with my own interpretation.  Here are some of my recent ones. 

One recurring dream involves beer.  In my dream I am drinking beer after beer.  Finally, around my third one I remember I am pregnant and decided I should probably stop... after I finish the one I am on.  

Dream website interpreted says: "To dream that you are drinking alcohol in excess signifies feelings of insecurity and regret. You may be worried that people will discover your true identity."  

Shalinda says: "I'm pretty sure my true identity was discovered aLONG time ago.  I'm not one to hold back.  I think the dream means... that I need a freaking beer!  I'm a teacher for crying out loud." 

Another recurring theme is cars.  Sometimes I am stuck in the car, sometimes I'm in a car accident, sometimes I am trying to drive and the car is controlling itself.  

Dream website says: "Such dreams are related to the level of control you have in your life. The physical condition of the car, as well as your location in the car (for example: Are you the one driving, or are you a passenger?) are reflections of how in control you are feeling." 

Shalinda says: "I'm a terrible driver.  My husband is a fast and aggressive driver.  Riding with him makes me sick and gives me a headache from anxiety.  I have terrible road rage.  I have totaled 3 cars since I have lived in Austin, two within a year of each other.  I'm pretty sure I never feel completely in control in the car.  I would rather take a bus or train and add hours to my trip.  Dream means HIRE A DRIVER WHEN THE BABY COMES!"  

Now, Rocky is having crazy dream! 

1 comment:

  1. Aww!! You are very small for 20 weeks! Don't know why you have been worried! I LOVE the tuxedo outfit for the wedding! I will have to dance with little Jake! AND if he spits up, my dress is already a creamy champagne color!! :-)
