Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So the doctor gave me the go ahead on working out at my appointment, but what she failed to mention was that I would soon be too tired to put my hair in a ponytail or tie my shoes, much less run on the treadmill.  I have managed to keep up my routine, but after a few miles I can't decide if I'd rather throw up or just lay down and take a nap.  I also get more winded than the eighty year old lady on the treadmill beside me who is holding her oxygen tank. 

Additionally at four weeks, terrible lower back pain set in.  It was so annoying I couldn't sleep and I complained and kept Rocky up for hours.  Finally, I remembered something a pregnant friend told me and I made my first pregnancy purchase.

This was quite possibly the best purchase of my life.  I wrap up in this thing and I can sleep for days...or at least until I have to get up and pee.  It limits the amount of cuddling done in bed, but I don't think that is why I have to fight Rocky off the other side of it in the middle of the night.  He has decided that he needs a pregnancy pillow also. 

Fatigue and back pain are not the only early symptoms.  I can now out-fart my husband on any given day and about mid-day I look pregnant due to all the gas and bloating.  I still am not showing any weight gain on the scale, but I have unbuttoned my pants on more than one occasion.  The worst, however, is what I have heard referred to as pregnancy brain.  I thought it was an urban legend, but I was wrong.  I walk around feeling half drunk most of the time.  Last week I put the milk in the pantry and the blender in the cabinet with the cleaning supplies.  I stand up to do something and by time I take a step I have forgotten what I was going to do.  I forget complete conversations and have trouble finding words when talking.  Last night, I caught myself trying to take my contacts out of my nose.  I literally was holding my nostril open the way I do my eye before I realized what a moron I am.  Today I couldn't find the month of September in my day planner and I forgot the word photo.  I'm not sure I should be trusted with a child at this point.  He may end up sleeping in a desk drawer or with the dog at the rate I am going.  I don't know if I want to see what comes next!

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