Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Six Flags Over Pregnancy

I knew that being pregnant would more than likely cause a little emotional influx, but I have more curves and hills than a roller coaster.   Take filling a prescription for example.  I had my prenatal vitamins filled at HEB Friday before leaving for Houston.  In a rush, I just grabbed them and hit the road.  Once in Houston I realized they had filled the prescription with the generic brand which for some reason cost MORE than name brand with my insurance.  Monday morning I politely called to inquire about the difference in price and my options.  That nasty biotch at the pharmacy wouldn't even give me the price difference.  She just kept saying that there is a sign that says they fill generics if not otherwise specified and that there was nothing she could do about it.  If I wanted the brand name I would have to call the insurance company and see what they could do.  So obviously I was pretty annoyed.  And what did I do?  Start crying!  My poor roommate at work had to endure the crazy flood of tears while I'm sure trying not to laugh at how ridiculous I was being. 

Well, I thought I had composed myself before calling the insurance company.  The guy I talked to was so extremely nice, even though he couldn't help.  This, of course, sent me into another crying fit.  At this point I am so disgusted with myself for crying that I cry even more.  The whole thing is out of control and a little weird.  I clearly cannot handle this situation so I called my husband and told him the pharmacy had me in a fit of tears (which he is getting used to) and that I needed help.  He immediately took action and had the entire situation under control in one afternoon which made me cry AGAIN. 

The next day I woke feeling much better (or so I thought).  Apparently, I was wrong.  No tears thank goodness, but I did use quite a bit of sign language with the other drivers on the way to work.  At one point I even rolled down my window to yell something.  Seriously?!  I think I'm ready to exit to the left...  

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eventful Weekend

We went to Houston this weekend to tell Rocky's mom, Darlene, that she is finally going to be a grandma.  We put a picture of the sonogram in an "I love Grandma" frame and had her open it.  Excited does not begin to describe her reaction.  She has been waiting on this for a long time.  After we broke the news she couldn't wait to tell the neighbors, who are close family friends.  For the next few hours, text messages and phone calls ensued.  I received a texted saying Daddy wanted to call Darlene so I passed along the number and they had a nice chat about who would be keeping the baby on what weeks and who should be called what.  It was pretty cute.

The next day we went to visit Kellie, Rocky's cousin who just had a baby.  Rocky never holds babies, but Kellie insisted so she could get a picture.  I don't think he enjoyed it much, but it was really cute.  After about 3 minutes, he looked at me and said, "Okay, I think I'm done." 

Rocky broke the news again to Kellie and Nana while we were there.  Nana, of course, began going on and on about how she didn't think we knew what to do.  It was too much for my poor pregnancy hormones and I informed her that we knew perfectly well what to do and that we are on our own time table, not hers.  I let her know we are happy with the way things are working out and this is exactly what we had planned.  OMG that woman drives me nuts! Later, I called her crazy and she smacked me, but I guess I had it coming.

After all the excitement, I needed to fill a few people in also.  I didn't want my friend Kimi finding out I was due three weeks before her wedding (which I am a bridesmaid in) on facebook.  So, I sent her a picture of the sonogram and said "guess what you are getting for a wedding gift!"  I was a little worried, but it was for nothing.  She was very excited and called Gina at 8:30 that morning in her excitement.  So now we just have to find a bridesmaid's dress that is flattering on a post baby body.  That should be easy. 

So now it seems that the cat is out of the bag.  We didn't quite make it to 12 weeks of secrecy which was the original plan, but what do you do? 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Appointment

I already feel like I have been pregnant forever.  I think counting down until we tell everyone makes the days and weeks drag by even slower.  Our first appointment was yesterday and we are indeed pregnant.  Rocky's favorite part of the entire visit was getting to actually see the stirrups.  We were able to see the baby close up and even hear the heart beat loud and clear... 135 beats a minutes.  If the old wives tale is true, then it's a boy!  As a bonus, the tech tried to guess what I had for lunch by looking at my intestines.  It was a little strange. 

After the sonogram we returned to the waiting room to wait for the second half of the visit and I pulled out the pictures.  We looked at them and talked about how crazy it was that we actually heard the heart beat.  Over the past few weeks, anytime I said something about the baby, Rocky would reply, "What baby... prove it."  So as we looked at the pictures I said, "Well, I proved it... we're having a baby."  His reply, "Now we just have to prove it's mine!"  The other pregnant woman waiting tried to pretend she wasn't listening, but I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a dirty slut married to a fantastic guy! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Famous Last Words

I began my pregnancy feeling very grateful that I seemed to be escaping the nastiness of morning sickness.  I felt like a champ other than wanting to sleep all the time.  Last week, I developed some kind of nasty cold that would not go away and hung around for the entire week.  The majority of this past weekend was spent either in bed or in some other napping location.  Rocky jokes that I have located every possible napping spot in our house.  He was a amazing this weekend... running errands, picking up groceries, and force feeding me until I felt better.  He is already on track for the whole fatherhood thing!

So now I feel  better, but have been pretty nauseous most of the week.  I don't seem to have any real food cravings yet, and in fact have actually developed an aversion to almost everything...especially chicken.  I am surviving mostly on fruit, soup occasionally, and grilled cheese sandwiches.  A few nights ago Rocky picked up Yogo Bowl which was tasty.  I think he's worried the baby is getting tired of my limited diet.  Last night I had queso, a cheese burger, and a sprite.  None of which I would eat normally, but at this point I have to go with what I can stomach.  Rocky loves it and thinks it's pretty funny the baby is causing such an uproar to my eating habits because I swore I would stick to my healthy diet.  Famous last words. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So the doctor gave me the go ahead on working out at my appointment, but what she failed to mention was that I would soon be too tired to put my hair in a ponytail or tie my shoes, much less run on the treadmill.  I have managed to keep up my routine, but after a few miles I can't decide if I'd rather throw up or just lay down and take a nap.  I also get more winded than the eighty year old lady on the treadmill beside me who is holding her oxygen tank. 

Additionally at four weeks, terrible lower back pain set in.  It was so annoying I couldn't sleep and I complained and kept Rocky up for hours.  Finally, I remembered something a pregnant friend told me and I made my first pregnancy purchase.

This was quite possibly the best purchase of my life.  I wrap up in this thing and I can sleep for days...or at least until I have to get up and pee.  It limits the amount of cuddling done in bed, but I don't think that is why I have to fight Rocky off the other side of it in the middle of the night.  He has decided that he needs a pregnancy pillow also. 

Fatigue and back pain are not the only early symptoms.  I can now out-fart my husband on any given day and about mid-day I look pregnant due to all the gas and bloating.  I still am not showing any weight gain on the scale, but I have unbuttoned my pants on more than one occasion.  The worst, however, is what I have heard referred to as pregnancy brain.  I thought it was an urban legend, but I was wrong.  I walk around feeling half drunk most of the time.  Last week I put the milk in the pantry and the blender in the cabinet with the cleaning supplies.  I stand up to do something and by time I take a step I have forgotten what I was going to do.  I forget complete conversations and have trouble finding words when talking.  Last night, I caught myself trying to take my contacts out of my nose.  I literally was holding my nostril open the way I do my eye before I realized what a moron I am.  Today I couldn't find the month of September in my day planner and I forgot the word photo.  I'm not sure I should be trusted with a child at this point.  He may end up sleeping in a desk drawer or with the dog at the rate I am going.  I don't know if I want to see what comes next!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's Official

We are pregnant.  Actually I am pregnant.  We figured it out a few weeks ago when my boobs blew up and could barely be contained in my bra.  This made my husband very happy, and I enjoyed them for a few days too, until they became so sore that putting on a shirt was painful.  The nurse confirmed it today at my annual.  She then made me see the actual OB rather than my usual nurse practitioner, whom I love.  Dr. Irvin came in unexpectedly and was nice enough.  She then did a crazy quick exam and informed me that I have great pelvic bone structure for a vaginal birth.  Seriously?!  I'm only four weeks along.  Do we have to think about the end this soon?  Can't I just be excited and pretend that somewhere far away a stork is making the nine month journey to my door?  Guess not. 

The good news came when she said I could still work out like normal.  Running, weights, and ab work are all fine.  So far, my eating habits haven't changes and no major food cravings and no weight gain.   I know it's just around the corner, but for now I can watch for the stork.