Friday, April 27, 2012

He is Here!

Jake Hudson Kelley made his appearance on Friday, April 13, 2012 at 12:25 PM.  I began having contractions Thursday morning around 11 AM.  Rocky went to work and I went about my day.  They came and went, not really getting closer together, but getting a bit stronger.  By 7PM I was starting to breathe through them and by around 10 I decided we should probably go to the hospital just to be on the safe side.  We decided not to call anyone right away because we expected to be sent home.  They monitored the baby and I for about 4 hours and at 3AM the doctor decided to admit me.  Being almost a week overdue, she felt it would be risky to send me home.  I checked in and immediately was hooked up to IV fluids and monitors.  The nurses encouraged me to go ahead and get my epidural so I could get some sleep so I decided to go for it.  Once everything was taken care of, Rocky and I settled in to try and get some sleep.  Yeah right.  I dozed in and out, but had that anticipation feeling you get before the first day of school.  Around 8AM the nurses let me know that my doctor was in surgery at another hospital so one of her partners would be consulting until she arrived.  They checked my dilation periodically, but I wasn't progressing very quickly.  Eventually, the doctor came in and broke my water hoping to speed things up.  It worked.  At the next check I was completely dilated and things began to move fast.  The nurses converted my bed into a weird birthing contraption and I began pushing.  Throughout the pushing, Jake's heart rate began to drop.  After about an hour, the doctor came in and determined there were complications and an emergency c section would be necessary.  After that everything moved very quickly and I was rushed off to the operating room.  The c section went quickly and Jake was delivered without any issues.  As it turns out, his umbilical cord was tied in a knot and with every push it tightened and cut Jake off.  But once out he was beautiful with big plump lips and chubby cheeks like his mommy.  Overall, he looked just like his daddy though.

All in all I can say that it was all worth it.  He is perfect and we are totally in love with him.  I mean look at that face.

Monday, April 9, 2012

I Think I Have Something on the Calendar for Today...

My thanks to everyone who called, texted, or emailed to remind me that today was my actual due date.  I woke up this morning and thought today was special, but it wasn't until the storm of reminders that I remembered it wasn't my chiropractor appointment, but actually the day the alien in my body was suppose to remove itself.  I would have been pretty upset if I had missed that one.  I'm joking.  I appreciate the enthusiasm... However, statistically only 5% of women actually deliver on their due dates so everyone is going to just have to keep their panties on and give me a little more time.  I promise everyone will be notified in a timely manner when he actually does make his appearance...assuming I know before anyone else.  I found out yesterday that apparently I have been having contractions.  I wish the person selling this would have called and let me know so I could have alerted my uterus.  As of now, all is quiet on the home front...just to clear up any nasty tabloid rumors going around.

It isn't from my lack of trying I assure you.  As of today he is weighing in at 8 pounds so believe me when I say I want him out.  My knees, back, feet, and even fingers want him out.  I have walked about 50 miles in the last week, bounced on my ball for at least 5 hours, been to the chiropractor 4 times, eaten entire jalapeƱos (again), eaten watermelon, pineapple, and papaya, and made herbal tea.  This weekend I washed both cars, walked 4 miles, cleaned the entire house, and climbed stairs. Frankly, I'm exhausted so now I am going to sit on my behind and chill...well, after I get a pressure point massage tomorrow.   And for the final  belly pic at 40 Weeks!

On a different note, my husband's pregnancy cravings are out of control.  He actually left the house last night at 8:00 to drive to Cheesecake Factory for a piece of carrot cake cheesecake.  He's been talking about it for a few days, but I guess it finally got the best of him.  We currently hold steady at weight gained this pregnancy: Rocky 28, Shalinda 25, Aisha 8.  Now the race to see who can lose it fastest...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Brief Glimpse at a Softer Side

It's easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the big picture.  It's easy, at least for me, to be overcome with my thoughts and emotions in any given situation.  I obsess, I overreact, I over analyze, I freak out.  That's just me.  It doesn't happen all the time.  Most of the time I feel pretty easy going and can take things as they come (the influence of my husband), but in those other moments things get hairy.  And it isn't just pregnancy.  It's just my life.  For example, I've been frustrated with a situation in which someone is constantly discussing me with others.  It isn't necessarily spiteful or nasty, but it's uncalled for and gets under my skin a bit.  Some things I like to keep private.  I would like the option of sharing with whom I want to share.  Instead, I get, "Oh -- told me..."  Annoying.

All that to say that I was reminded this weekend of what is really important.  I woke up Sunday morning to an Easter basket and my husband urging me to "go find some eggs."  I have to say I had a blast hunting all over the house for my candy filled eggs (and I'm pretty sure I had eaten a several of them before the hunt was even over).  Then, I found the last one and opened it.  It was not candy filled, but instead jewelry filled.  Rocky bought me a baby charm for my bracelet... my "push present."  And for the 100th time this week I was reminded of how lucky I am to be married to such a wonderful person.  Not because he buys me presents, but because he remembers to remember me (even when I'm not being loud and obnoxious).  He takes time to call me during the day, he text me silly messages, he makes me call him when I get to work because at 9 months preggo he worries about my focus, he makes me laugh every single day.  It's all the little things and I understand now how you can love someone even more than you did the day before.  When you take the time to appreciate the little things, you can't help but be just a little more connected.  There is no doubt in my mind that we will grow old together.  I can't imagine going on this adventure with anyone else...and when you find someone who puts up with your crazy and loves you anyway, you really should hold on.  Now if we could just find a way to get this baby out!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

So Thursday was my last day of work!  I am more than a little excited.  I have also decided that it is fine if Jake wants to be a little late (it would appear he is taking after his two aunts and uncle in the punctuality department) ... but I'm looking forward to sleeping in a few days before his arrival.  Yesterday I made a visit to the chiropractor who fixed me up!  After one visit my back pain is minimal and I slept better than I have in months!  I should have been doing this all along.  I'm going for daily visits until baby for some work on my hips which should help with labor and delivery also.  Now if he could only do something about my achy feet!

My Good Friday was spent cleaning.  I figured I should give the house one more top to bottom cleaning before it is neglected indefinitely.  I had to stop in the middle for a nap:) but now everything is put away and shiny clean.

I'm going to visit my other favorite doctor this afternoon for a natural approach toward treatment of my pesky gall bladder.  My ob is talking surgeons and since I don't really trust her with my who-ha, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to take her advice on having an internal organ removed.  Seriously.

I did, in fact, skip the doctor this week so I don't know officially that we haven't progressed any, but I'm going to go ahead and say we haven't.  This baby is lazy.  My contractions have all but stopped and I think he's settled in for the long haul.  At this rate we're going to have to hire a tutor to go up there when it's time for him to start kindergarten.

Tonight, Rocky and I are going to dinner and a movie... probably our last for a little while.  Maybe to see the Hunger Games.  I loved the book and have heard really good things about the movie so we shall see.  Because I really want o see it and enjoy an evening out (in addition to sleeping in for a few days) Jake will probably make his appearance tonight... just my luck.